Always On: What is it?
Many of the devices in your home contribute to your electric bill even when they’re not in use. Some devices, like your Wi-Fi router, need to be on and are constantly in use. Others, like your smart TV, may not actually need to run 24/7. Your “Always On” power provides insight into how much power these devices are using and thus costing you.
Did you know that Always On power accounts for 23% of consumption and costs $250 every year in the average home? The devices in your entertainment center alone may be costing you over $100 annually — while you’re not even using them!

Note that because Always On is calculated as an average over a 24-48 hour period, it can occasionally include consumption from devices that you may not typically consider as “vampire” loads, like a space heater left running during a cold spell.
If you want to know how much your devices may be constantly using, be sure to search the Always On device database and add your devices to your Always On devices list. For some devices, like smart plugs and dedicated circuits, we can detect their Always On load automatically.