Tips to reduce Always On
The average Sense home is constantly using about 251W of Always On power. If you’re lower than that, you’re already off to a good start. But everyone can benefit from cutting their Always On load.
Did you know every 1 watt of Always On costs you about $1.05 every year? That may not sound like a lot, but those dollars quickly add up. Depending on your billing rate, yours may cost even more.
01 Unplug
Unplug things that are not used often, like a printer.

02 Power strip
Put your Always On devices on a power strip and manually turn them off when not in use. Some power strips can even be set to turn off automatically based on the status of a single device, like a TV.

03 Smart plug
Even better than a power strip: a smart plug! Sense integrates with several leading smart plug models, giving you instant detection of your connected devices. This also allows you to turn them on and off via the Sense app when not in use or you can schedule them to turn off during times you know you won’t need them.

04 Power-saving mode
Many devices, like computers and game consoles, offer power-saving functionality. Put those features to use when possible.

05 Upgrade to a more efficient model
In some cases, the best way to reduce your load is to upgrade to a more energy-efficient model. Do you have an old TV or computer monitor? They could be costing you.

Note that your Always On bubble represents an average over the past couple days and will not immediately adjust as you make the above changes. The best way to track immediate savings is via the Power Meter.
What are your Always On offenders?
Here are some common Always On devices. Do you have any of these in your home?
- Hot water recirculation pump: 20 – 100W
- Radon fan: 15 – 140W
- Digital cable/DVR set-top box: 10 – 40W
- Video game console: 2 – 20W
- Desktop computer: 10 – 100W
- Subwoofer: 2 – 12W
- DVD or Blu-Ray player: 2 – 10W
- Printer: 1 – 6W
- Garage door opener: 2 – 20W
- Cable modem: 1 – 20W
While some of these devices, like your radon fan or recirculation pump, can’t simply be turned off, other more energy-efficient options may exist.
Learn more: How to use the Power Meter to see how much energy your Always On devices are using →